Graphic toont belangrijkste trends in mondiale gedwongen ontheemding in 2017.


Recordhoogte van 68 miljoen ontheemden wereldwijd

July 2, 2018 - Volgens het VN vluchtelingenagentschap zijn eind 2017 bijna 69 miljoen
mensen wereldwijd gedwongen ontheemd door oorlog en vervolging
– het hoogste aantal ooit geregistreerd.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said the continued crises in places like South Sudan and Congo, as well as the exodus of Muslim Rohingya from Myanmar that started last year, raised the overall figure of forced displacements in 2017 to 68.5 million.

Of that total, 16.2 million were newly displaced last year — an average of more than 44,000 people per day. Most have been displaced for longer than that, some forced to flee multiple times.

For the fourth year running, Turkey was again the country with the largest number of refugees — mostly Syrians — at 3.5 million at the end of 2017.

PUBLISHED: 02/07/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images