Graphic toont het profiel van Philip Roth.


Invloedrijk Amerikaans schrijver Philip Roth overleden, 85 jaar oud

May 23, 2018 - Philip Roth, invloedrijke reus van de 20e-eeuwse literatuur, die de Joods-Amerikaanse erfenis, politiek en mannelijke seksualiteit in meer dan 30 romans verkende, is op 85-jarige leeftijd overleden.

He was among greatest writers never to win the Nobel Prize. But he received virtually every other literary honor, including two National Book Awards, two National Book Critics Circle prizes and, in 1998, the Pulitzer for "American Pastoral."

He was in his 20s when he won his first award and awed critics and fellow writers by producing some of his most acclaimed novels in his 60s and 70s, including "The Human Stain" and "Sabbath's Theater," a savage narrative of lust and mortality he considered his finest work.

He identified himself as an American writer, not a Jewish one, but for Roth the American experience and the Jewish experience were often the same.

The New York Times reported that a close friend of Roth's said he had died of heart failure.

PUBLISHED: 23/05/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press