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Graphic toont details van de teamkampen tijdens het wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2018, met belangrijke data.


World Cup 2018 teamkampen

June 14, 2018 - July 15, 2018 - Het FIFA Wereldkampioenschap 2018 in Rusland gaat op 14 juni van start. Rusland is voor het eerst gastland voor het vier weken durende spektakel met 64 wedstrijden in 12 speelsteden verspreid over het gigantische land.

Each of the 32 teams has a base camp that acts as their headquarters during the tournament, with their own hotel and training site.They then travel to the host city for each match, staying overnight at the venue hotel, and training at a site there.

Following the group stage, teams that advance can either remain at their team camp or move from host city to host city, depending on where their matches are.

PUBLISHED: 20/04/2018; STORY: Graphic News