Jet furtivo J-35 de China infographic
El gráfico muestra detalles del J-35 y lo compara con el jet furtivo estadounidense F-35.


China revelará su jet de combate furtivo J-35

November 6, 2024 - China presentrá oficialmte su jet de comabate furtivo J-35, dando a los observadores la primera mirada a un activo altamente anticipado que se agrega a las capacidades militares de la nación, que crecen con rapidez.

The fighter, an image of which was released during an air force press conference Tuesday, will appear at an air show in the southern city of Zhuhai next week, officials said.

The development of the jet is widely seen as part of Beijing’s bid to match the United States’ stealth fighter capabilities – as it pushes to modernise its armed forces and assert its military might in Asia, CNN said.

PUBLISHED: 06/11/2024; STORY: Graphic News