Europeos escépticos sobre quién ganará la guerra en Ucrania, según una encuesta
July 3, 2024 -
Aun cuando la mayoría de los ucranianos creen que Kiev se impondrá en la guerra con Rusia, la mayoría de los europeos cree que el resultado
más probable será una paz negociada, según un nuevo sondeo.
The study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) mapped attitudes to the conflict in Ukraine and 14 European countries. The fieldwork was undertaken in May.
It found that Europeans tend to believe that Ukraine won't defeat Russia on the battlefield, with roughly a third to half of those surveyed believing the war will end in a negotiated settlement, and up to 31 percent (Greece) seeing a Russian victory as most likely. Of the EU countries surveyed, only in Estonia was a Ukraine victory the prevailing view (38 percent), Politico said.