Andrej Belousow Profil infographic
Graphic shows profile of Andrei Belousov.


Putin schlägt Andrej Belousow als Verteidigungsminister vor

May 13, 2024 - Russlands Präsident Wladimit Putin hat den Zivilisten und Wirtschaftswissenschafter Andrej Belousow zum neuen Verteidigungsminister ernannt., der den langjährigen Freund und Verbündeten Sergej Shoigu ersetzen wird.

The move is seen as an attempt to gird Russia for economic war by trying to better utilise the defence budget and harness greater innovation to win in Ukraine.

Belousov, a 65-year-old former deputy prime minister who specialises in economics, shares Putin’s vision of rebuilding a strong state, and has also worked with the Russian leader’s top technocrats who want greater innovation and are open to new ideas.

Putin wants Shoigu, in charge of defence since 2012, to become the secretary of Russia’s powerful Security Council, replacing incumbent Nikolai Patrushev, and to also have responsibilities for the military-industrial complex, the Kremlin said.

Patrushev will get a new, as yet unannounced, job.

The changes, certain to be approved by parliamentarians, are the most significant Putin has made to the military command since sending tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine in February 2022 in what he called a special military operation, according to Reuters.

PUBLISHED: 13/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News