أزمة الرهائن الإسرائيليين infographic
Graphic shows Gaza hostage crisis.


متظاهرون إسرائيليون يطالبون بإبرام اتفاق بشأن الرهائن في غزة

September 2, 2024 - يتصاعد الغضب في الشوارع الإسرائيلية بسبب عدم التوصل إلى اتفاق لإطلاق سراح الرهائن المتبقين لدى حركة حماس، بعد العثور على جثامين ستة أسرى يزعم أنهم ”قتلوا“ في غزة.

The strike disrupted transport and medical services in several Israeli districts and many shops and businesses were closed after the head of the Histadrut union, which represents hundreds of thousands of workers, called for a general stoppage.

The recovery of the six hostages, who were shot dead between 48-72 hours before being found by Israeli forces, according to the health ministry, triggered a wave of grief and fury in Israel, prompting at least half a million people to take to the streets in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on Sunday.

The demonstrators are demanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reach a ceasefire agreement with Palestinian militant group Hamas to bring the remaining hostages home, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 02/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News