روسيا تواجه أكبر توغل للقوات الأوكرانية infographic
Graphic shows areas affected by the Ukrainian incursion into Russia.


روسيا تواجه أكبر توغل للقوات الأوكرانية

By Jordi Bou

August 8, 2024 - تم إعلان حالة الطوارئ في منطقة كورسك الروسية لمحاولة صد أكبر هجوم لأوكرانيا على الأراضي الروسية منذ غزو موسكو لجارتها في شباط (فبراير) 2022.

On August 3, up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops, as well as 11 tanks and more than 20 armoured combat vehicles, entered Russia near the town of Sudzha, Moscow said.

Vladimir Putin said the attack was a “major provocation” and accused Kyiv’s forces of “firing indiscriminately” at civilian targets with missiles.

The attack comes at a critical moment for Ukraine, which is steadily losing territory to Russia’s larger army and faces a potential collapse in U.S. support if Donald Trump secures a second term as president in November.

PUBLISHED: 08/08/2024; STORY: Graphic News