أوكرانيا تتسلم أولى طائرات ميراج من فرنسا (1) infographic
Graphic shows specificatons of the Mirage 2000-5 fighter jet.


أوكرانيا تتسلم أولى طائرات ميراج من فرنسا

By Jordi Bou

February 7, 2025 - تتسلم أوكرانيا أولى طائرات ميراج 2000 المقاتلة التي وعدت بها فرنسا، لتمنح البلاد ثاني نوع من الطائرات الغربية بالإضافة إلى طائرات F-16 التي سلمتها لها دول حليفة أخرى العام الماضي.

The pledge came after NATO allies, including Belgium, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands, committed to dispatching about 80 U.S.-made F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

The Mirage 2000-5, an upgraded version of the Mirage 2000 series, features improved radar systems and compatibility with advanced weaponry.

Dassault Aviation produced approximately 600 Mirage 2000 jets, with half of them exported to countries such as Greece, the UAE, and Taiwan.

The Mirage 2000-5 variant is equipped with the RDY radar by Thales, which can detect typical targets at a range of 130 kilometres and simultaneously track eight targets while engaging four.

PUBLISHED: 07/02/2025; STORY: Graphic News