صادرات تركيا من العناصر ”ذات الأولوية القصوى“ إلى روسيا infographic
Graphic shows rise in Turkey’s sales of military “high-priority” goods to Russia.


صادرات تركيا من العناصر ”ذات الأولوية القصوى“ إلى روسيا

By Duncan Mil

November 28, 2023 - صادرات تركيا من العناصر ”ذات الأولوية القصوى“ إلى روسيا ارتفعت منذ غزو موسكو لأوكرانيا - بما في ذلك العناصر المرتبطة بالحرب التي تختبر العلاقات بين أنقرة وحلفائها في حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو).

Moscow uses high-priority items in its weapon systems. Dual-use parts- including microchips, communications equipment, and telescopic sights, are subject to U.S., EU, Japanese, and UK export controls to prevent them from entering Russia.

In a bid to rein in this trade, Brian Nel­son, U.S. Treas­ury under­sec­ret­ary for ter­ror­ism and fin­an­cial intel­li­gence, will visit Ankara this week to dis­cuss “efforts to pre­vent, dis­rupt, and invest­ig­ate trade and fin­an­cial activ­ity that bene­fit the Rus­sian effort in its war against Ukraine.”

There are numerous reports of Russian weapons using Western technology, such as Kh-47M2 Kinzhal and 9K720 Iskander missiles containing Texas Instruments chips and German-made electrical coils.

According to European economic think tank Bruegel, exports of high-priority items by Turkey to Russia have surged since the Kremlin invaded Ukraine.

Since February 2022, exports have surged to over US$850 million, up from an annual average of $230 million in the three years preceding the invasion.

The United States, European Union, Britain, and Japan have expanded their lists to 45 high-priority items to improve sanctions enforcement.

PUBLISHED: 28/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images