صاروخ فضائي كوري شمالي جديد (1) infographic
Graphic shows the Chollima-1 rocket and its launch path.


صاروخ فضائي كوري شمالي جديد

By Jordi Bou

June 2, 2023 - قمر التجسس الصناعي الذي أطلقته كوريا الشمالية لأول مرة انتهى بالفشل بعد تعطل مرحلته الثانية، لكن النظام تعهد بإجراء عملية إطلاق ثانية في أقرب وقت ممكن.

The newly developed Chollima-1 rocket, carrying the Malligyong-1 spy satellite, launched from Sohae Satellite Launch Station on May 31, at 6:29am (local time).

After the separation of the first stage, the engine of the second stage failed to ignite, causing the rocket to lose thrust and fall into the Yellow Sea.

The launch sparked emergency warnings on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa and in the South Korean capital Seoul, where the city briefly issued an evacuation warning in error. Both alerts were later lifted.

North Korean officials vowed to conduct a second launch as soon as possible, suggesting that Kim remains determined to expand his weapons arsenal and apply more pressure on Washington and Seoul.

PUBLISHED: 02/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom