Ventas lentas de Nintendo Switch infographic
Graphic charts Nintendo Switch hardware sales since launch.


Las ventas de Nintendo Switch se desaceleran con la próxima llegada de su sucesora

By Ninian Carter

January 21, 2025 - Las ventas de la consola de videojuegos Nintendo Switch se desaceleran cuando la atención pasa a su sucesora anunciada recientemente, la Switch 2 – que según los rumores llegará al mercado en junio.

Since its launch in March 2017, the Nintendo Switch, a video game console that can be used as a handheld device or plugged into a TV, has sold an impressive 146.04 million units and a staggering 1.31 billion games for it worldwide.

However, the most recent quarterly hardware sales data show shipments are waning as gamers wait for the Switch 2 — rumoured to hit stores in June.

The upcoming console was revealed in a video on January 16, 2025, following months of relentless online leaks. Nintendo is to reveal more about the machine on April 2.

PUBLISHED: 21/01/2025; STORY: Graphic News