Vuelo 7 de Starship de Space infographic
El gráfico muestra datos técnicos clave relacionados con el séptimo vuelo de prueba de Starship.


Starship lanzará satélites falsos por primera vez

By Jordi Bou

June 6, 2024 - El vuelo más ambiciosos de Starship de SpaceX hasta ahora incluirá una versión de mayor tamaño del cohete, despliegue de 10 satélites aparentes, hardware reutilizado y otro intento de captura del acelerador con “palillos chinos".

SpaceX’s seventh Starship test flight will be the most ambitious to date, and the first involving a new “block 2” version with significant upgrades.

The most obvious difference on Starship Version 2, or Block 2, is with the vehicle’s forward flaps. Engineers redesigned the flaps, reducing their size and repositioning them closer to the tip of the ship's nose to better protect them from the scorching heat of reentry.

The ship’s propellant tanks have 25 percent more volume than previous iterations of the vehicle.

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, a little more than 17 minutes into the flight, Starship will deploy 10 dummy payloads similar in size and weight to next-generation Starlink satellites. This will test the ability of
the system to carry payloads to orbit.

In another first, one of the 33 Raptor engines that will fly on this Super Heavy booster was recovered from the booster that launched and returned to Starbase in October. For SpaceX, this is a step toward eventually flying the entire rocket repeatedly.

PUBLISHED: 10/01/2025; STORY: Graphic News