Rusia está fabricando refugios contra bombas nucleares
November 26, 2024 - Rusia está produciendo en masa refugios móviles antibombas que pueden llevarse a cualquier sitio en camiones, diseñados para proteger contra efectos de explosiones nucleares – radiación, metralla, escombros, sustancias químicos y fuego
Russia is mass-producing mobile bomb shelters that can protect people against numerous threats including radiation from a nuclear blast.
Russian officials claim the “KUB-M” shelter can also offer protection for 48 hours against explosions, shrapnel, falling debris, toxic chemicals and fires.
The shelter is based on two reinforced shipping containers joined together, forming a habitation room for up to 54 people and a technical block containing life-supporting machinery.
More habitation modules can be added if needed to house more people.
It can easily be transported on two trucks and connected to water supplies when installed. It can also function in Russia’s vast permafrost regions.