Rusia dispara un ICBM contra Ucrania infographic
El gráfico muesta detalles del ataque con misiles Storm Shadow contra Rusia.


Rusia dispara un misil balístico intercontinental contra Ucrania, afirma Kiev

By Jordi Bou

November 21, 2024 - Rusia disparó un misil balístico intercontinental durante un ataque contra la ciudad ucraniana de Dnipró, afirma la fuerza aérea de Kiev, en lo que sería el primer uso en una guerra de un arma diseñada para ataques nucleares a larga distancia.

Russia’s alleged launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) comes after Ukraine fired U.S.-made long-range ATACMS missiles and British Storm Shadows at Russian territory in recent days.

The Ukrainian air force said the ICBM was fired from the Russian region of Astrakhan. There was no suggestion it was nuclear-armed.

Ukrainska Pravda, a Kyiv-based media outlet, cited anonymous sources saying the missile was an RS-26 Rubezh, a solid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 5,800km, according to the Arms Control Association.

But an unnamed U.S. official says the missile was a ballistic missile but not an ICBM, CBS News reports.

Some analysts dispute the classification of RS-26 as an intercontinental missile, arguing that, because it has a shorter range than most ICBMs, it sits in a grey area between that designation and an intermediate-range missile, the Financial Times reports.

PUBLISHED: 21/11/2024; STORY: Graphic News