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 Se dispara el cecimiento de suscriptores de Netflix infographic
El gráfico Graphic muestra el crecimiento de suscriptores de Netflix contra el de sus rivales más cercanos.


Netflix derrota a su competencia en las guerras de streaming

By Ninian Carter

October 21, 2024 - Netflix ha reportado otro trimestre de crecimiento de suscriptores que ha llevado su total global a 282.72 millones de suscriptores de paga – cerca de 130 millones más que su rival más cercano, Disney+.

Netflix, which began in 1997 as a postal DVD rental service, has reported another quarter of subscriber growth, taking its global total to 282.72 million paying subscribers.

That gives Netflix approximately 130 million more subscribers than its nearest rival, Disney+.

The company’s business model, which requires it to spend tens of billions of dollars on content every year, saw it increase prices recently (the most expensive package now cost $22.99 a month in the U.S.), but this hasn’t put off subscribers.

Netflix’s third quarter was the company’s most profitable in its history, with profits up 41% year-on-year.

PUBLISHED: 21/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News