Nueva miniluna temporal de la Tierra infographic
El gráfico muestra la órbita de la "miniluna" asteroide 2024 PT5.


La Tierra ha capturado a una nueva miniluna (durante dos meses)

By Ninian Carter

September 29, 2024 - La Tierra tiene una nueva “segunda luna”, el asteroide 2024 PT5 que ha sido atrapado por nuestra atracción gravitatoria y realizará un sobrevuelo capturado de nuestro planeta durante 57 días.

Earth has a new celestial neighbour, albeit one that is only with us for a few weeks.

Dubbed a “second moon”, asteroid 2024 PT5 is currently making a close pass of our planet and will become classed as a mini-moon on September 29, 2024.

The asteroid has a diameter of 10 metres – about the length of a bus – and hails from the Arjuna asteroid belt which follows an orbit quite similar to Earth’s.

2024 PT5 will not complete a full revolution of the planet, so is considered a temporarily captured “flyby” as opposed to a temporarily captured “orbiter”.

After 56.6 days in orbit around the Earth, it will return to a heliocentric orbit around the sun – not returning to us again until 2055.

PUBLISHED: 27/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News