Temas electorales de Austria infographic
El gráfico muestra las intenciones de voto en ants de la elección parlamentaria del 29 de septiembre.


La caleidoscópica elección en Austria

By Duncan Mil

September 20, 2024 - Los austriacos eligen un nuevo parlamento el 29 de septiembre en una votación que podría poner al Partido de la Libertad FPÖ en primera
posición para formar un gobierno por primera vez en la historia de la posguerra.

More than 6.3 million voters will renew the 183 members of the National Council, the lower house of the parliament. Nine political parties are fielding candidates in all the country’s nine Länder.

The Freedom Party (FPÖ) has led in the polls since the end of 2022 and is currently three points ahead of the ruling People’s Party (ÖVP), which has 25%, and the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ), which has 20%.

The FPÖ thrives on exploiting the frustrations expressed by a large proportion of Austrians. The FPÖ is a nationalist movement that holds views hostile to immigration and Islam and defends patriotism.

FPO chief Herbert Kickl backs an “Austria First” agenda.” He plans to reduce the care given to illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to a “basic level” only, and opposes family reunification for migrants already in Austria. “We need remigration,” emphasises Kickl.

He also gained support by declaring his commitment to Austria’s neutrality and opposing any support for Ukraine.

A staunch critic of the European Union, Kickl this year sealed an alliance with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and former Czech leader Andrej Babiš to unveil “Patriots for Europe,” aiming to reshape EU institutions and change the EU’s approach to migration, green policies, and the war in Ukraine.

PUBLISHED: 20/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images