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El gráfico ubica la ciudad donde ocurrió el intento de asesinato.


El premier eslovaco está muy grave tras unintento de asesinato

By Jordi Bou

May 15, 2024 - El primer ministro Robert Fico, de 59 años,sufrió heridas que amenazan su vida al recibirmúltiples disparos después de una reunión gubernamental en la ciudad de Handlova.

Fico, 59, was rushed to hospital in the central city of Handlova after holding a government meeting there, and was being transported by helicopter to the city of Banska Bystrica for urgent treatment.

A Reuters witness heard several shots fired after the meeting in Handlova northeast of the capital Bratislava. Police detained a man and security officials pushed someone into a car and drove off, the witness said.

PUBLISHED: 15/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images