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 Superpotencias en guerra global de chips infographic
El gráfico muestra la inversión en la producción de semiconductores de silicio de varios países.


La batalla de las superpotencias por la supremacía en semiconductores

By Ninian Carter

May 13, 2024 - Una guerra tecnológica global se intensifica cuando las superpotencias canalizan miles de millones de dolares para el desarrollo de la nueva generación de semiconductores – intensificando una confrontación con China por la supremacía en los chips.

Global superpowers, led by the U.S. and EU, are facing off in a technological war for semiconductors supremacy, intensifying a multi-billion dollar showdown with China.

What began as fears over China’s advances in key technological areas during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent global chip shortage, has ballooned into a full-on war for economic security.

The first tranche of investment, around $81 billion, is already in play from the U.S., Germany, France, Netherlands, Japan and India.

In total, around $380 billion is pledged by the above countries plus China, South Korea, European Union, Taiwan, Spain, Italy and UK, as nations fight for control of the escalating demand for devices powered by AI and quantum computing.

The surge in spending is seen as a critical turning point in U.S.-China rivalry and could shape the future global economy.

PUBLISHED: 13/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News