Estado de emergencia en Haití tras fuga carcelaria masiva
March 4, 2024 - Haití ha declarado un estado de emergencia luego que bandas armadas, que quieren obligar al primer ministro Ariel Henry a dimitir, irrumpieron en dos cárceles de Puerto Príncipe, permitiendo escapar a miles de presos.
The government of Haiti has declared a state of emergency after armed gangs stormed two of the country’s largest prisons, killing at least 12 people in the process.
Port-au-Prince’s National Penitentiary held nearly 4,000 inmates at the time of the attack, and the Croix-des-Bouquets Civil Prison housed roughly 1,400.
Gang leaders, which control around 80% of the capital, are trying to force the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who has travelled abroad.
Gang violence has plagued Haiti for years.