Disputa sobre los Mármoles de Elgin infographic
El gráfico muestra una cronología y un corte transversal del Partenón, identificando de dónde provienen los Mármoles de Elgin.


Se acalora la disputa entre Gran Bretaña y Grecia por los Mármoles de Elgin

By Jordi Bou

November 28, 2023 - El primer ministro griego Kyriakos Mitsotakis acuscó a su contraparte británico Rishi Sunak por haber cancelado una reunión programada en Londres en el marco de la disputa sobre el estatus de los Mármoles del Partenón.

The Parthenon Sculptures, also known as the “Elgin Marbles” were taken from Greece in the early 19th century and have been displayed in Britain ever since – however, the debate over who rightfully owns these Greek artifacts continues to this day.

Thomas Bruce, the seventh Earl of Elgin, became British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire in 1799. In 1801, he negotiated what he claimed was permission from the Turks – who then controlled Athens – to remove statues from the Parthenon.

The British Museum maintains that Elgin was an official diplomat and had acted with the permission of Turkish authorities. Greece argues that the Turks were a foreign force acting against the will of the people they had invaded.

The Marbles which were taken to Britain include about a half – around 75 metres– of the sculpted frieze that once ran all round the building, plus 17 life-sized marble figures from its pediments and 15 of the 92 metopes, or sculpted panels, originally displayed high up above its columns.

PUBLISHED: 28/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom, Francesco Fanelli, Jastrow, Broomhall House, Trustees of British Museum