Historia de terremotos letales en Afganistán
October 9, 2023 - Afganistán, rodeado en gran parte por montañas, tiene una larga historia de potentes terremotos, muchos de ellos en las montañas escarpadas del Hindú Kush que se extienden desde el centro del país hasta áreas fronterizas con Pakistán y Tayikistán.
More than 2,400 people are known to have been killed, and at least 2,000 injured in two earthquakes which struck Afghanistan near the city of Herat, on October 7, the Taliban administration says – the deadliest in years.
Oct 2023, Herat: 2,400+ dead
Jun 2022, Paktika: 1,036
Oct 2015, Hindu Kush: 399 (includes Pakistan and India)
Mar 2002, Hindu Kush: 1,100
Feb 1998, Takhar: 2,300
May 1998, Takhar: 4,700
May 1997, Qayen: 1,500 (includes Iran)
Feb 1991, Hindu Kush: 848 (includes Pakistan and Soviet Union)