Uania despliegaga drones de largo alcance para amenazar a Rusia
September 4, 2023 - Hay informes de medios occidentales de que Ucrania está trabajando en seis tipos de drones, que pueden tener alcance de 1.000km. Moscú culpa a Ucrania por una serie de ataques con drones en territorio ruso.
Ukraine hasn't claimed responsibility for these, although President Volodymyr Zelensky has previously said that attacks on Russian territory are an “inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process”.
According to BBC, there have more than 190 suspected attacks this year in Russia and in Russian-annexed Crimea.
n 2023 so far, drone attacks have been concentrated in the Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk regions in Russia near the western border with Ukraine.
Drones have also reached the Moscow region, which is about 450km from the Ukraine border., according to the BBC.