El ejército toma el poder en un golpe de estado en Gabón infographic
El gráfico detalla el golpe de estado en Gabón y muestra la historia de golpes en África.


El intento de golpe en Gabón es el más reciente entre muchos en África

By Ninian Carter

August 30, 2023 - Los líderes militares en Gabón han depuesto al presidente Ali Bongo yanulado el resultado de la elección del 26 de agosto que prolongaría más de 50 años de la familia de Bongo en el poder.

Military leaders have appeared on Gabon national television claiming to have taken control of the country – ousting President Ali Bongo, who had just won his third leadership election, held on August 26, 2023.

The twelve soldiers who appeared in the broadcast – calling themselves members of the “Committee of Transition and the Restoration of Institutions” – said they were annulling the results of the election and dissolving all the institutions of the republic.

Bongo had been in power since 2009, following the death of his father who had been President since 1967.

Both of his previous wins – in 2009 and 2016 – are disputed as fraudulent by his opponents.

Bongo’s family has ruled the OPEC member country, rich in oil and manganese (a trace mineral essential for human health), for more than half a century.

Gabon gained independence from France in 1960, and has undergone several coups and coup attempts, with the last failed attempt occurring in 2019, while Bongo was receiving medical treatment in Morocco for a stroke.

PUBLISHED: 30/08/2023; STORY: Graphic News