Los combustibles fósiles aún dominan los mercados la energía global infographic
Graphic charts rising global energy consumption.


Crecimiento récord de renovables apenas hace mella en el dominio de los combustibles fósiles

By Ninian Carter

June 26, 2023 - La demanda mundial de energía creció cerca de 1% en 2022, con uso creciente de renovables, pero los combustibles fósiles siguen dominado con 82% de la oferta.

Last year’s energy markets were hit by turmoil after Russia invaded Ukraine, sending gas and coal prices sky-high in Europe and Asia.

Despite last year’s largest ever increase in renewables capacity – a combined 266 gigawatts – oil, gas and coal products accounted for 82% of global supplies, according to a new report by the Statistical Review of World Energy.

Scientists say the world needs to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 if they want to meet international Paris Agreement goals.

PUBLISHED: 26/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News