Récord de 110 millones de desplazados en el mundo infographic
El gráfico muestra las cifras de personas desplazadas por la fuerza a nivel mundial desde 1992.


La guerra en Ucrania provoca el mayor aumento de desplazados

By Jordi Bou

June 14, 2023 - El número de personas desplazadas alrededor del mundo ha ascendido
a una cifra récord de 110 millones, con conflictos en Ucrania y Sudán que obligan a familias a abandonar sus hogares, según la ONU.

The increase of around 19 million people to 108.4 million by the end of last year is the biggest annual jump on record, the UNHCR said in its annual Forced Displacement report.

The upward trajectory in global forced displacement showed no sign of slowing in 2023 as the eruption of conflict in Sudan triggered new outflows, pushing the global total to an estimated 110 million by May.

Of the global total, 35.3 million were refugees, people who crossed an international border to find safety, while a greater share – 58 per cent, representing 62.5 million people – were displaced in their home countries due to conflict and violence.

The war in Ukraine was the top driver of displacement in 2022. The number of refugees from Ukraine soared from 27,300 at the end of 2021 to 5.7 million at the end of 2022 – representing the fastest outflow of refugees anywhere since World War II, the UN reports.

PUBLISHED: 14/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images