Ucrania avanza en Bajmut (1) infographic
El gráfico muestra las áreas de control dentro de Bajmut y en sus alrededores.


Ucrania niega pérdida de Bajmut ante Rusia

May 18, 2023 - Ucrania dice que sus tropas todavía están combatiendo por el control de Bajmut, después de que Rusia afirmara haber capturado finalmente la ciudad tras una campaña de meses.

In the past week, Kyiv has said it has stepped up pressure on Moscow’s forces to the north and south of Bakhmut but that Russia has continued to send in more troops including paratroopers.

Moscow sees Bakhmut, a city of about 70,000 before Russia’s full-scale invasion nearly 15 months ago, as a possible stepping stone towards capturing the rest of the eastern Donbas region.

Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, which is spearheading the Russian assault in Bakhmut, says it has moved forward inside the city, and Kyiv has acknowledged those small gains.

But Kyiv has for days been hailing battlefield successes that could eventually trap the Wagner forces inside the city, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 22/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News