Cronología de Imran Khan infographic
El gráfico muestra la cronología de sucesos en Pakistán desde la destitución de Imran Khan en abril de 2022.


Pakistán arresta a cientos luego que Imran Khan es acusado de corrupción

By Jordi Bou

May 10, 2023 - El exprimer ministro de Pakistán Imran Khan se ha declarado inocente de cargos de corrupción un día después de que su arresto causó protestas violentas en todo el país.

Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested, police say, and eight people have died nationwide in the protests.

Tuesday’s arrest of the former cricket hero, and Pakistan’s most popular politician according to opinion polls, came at a precarious time for the country that is facing a shortage of foreign exchange and a months-long delay of an IMF bailout.

His arrest came a day after the powerful military rebuked him for repeatedly accusing a senior military officer of trying to engineer his assassination and the former armed forces chief of being behind his removal from power last year.

PUBLISHED: 10/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images