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 El hielo marino del Ártico se derrite más rápido de lo esperado  infographic
El gráfico muestra la pérdida de hielo marino del Ártico desde el inicio de los registros satelitales en 1979.


El hielo marino del Ártico se está derritiendo más rápido de lo que se creía

March 15, 2023 - El Océano Ártico se está calentando mucho más rápido de lo predicho por los modelosclimáticos de la ONU, acelerando por consiguiente el derretimiento del hielo marino, según investigadores.

Relatively warm currents in the deep Arctic are actually warmer and closer to the surface than experts previously thought, according to studies from the University of Gothenburg, published by the Journal of Climate. These warm currents are coming into direct contact with sea ice and accelerating its melting in winter, they say.

The researchers compared their observations with calculations from 14 models considered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the panel of experts responsible for the UN’s major climate reports.

The studies conclude that the role of deep water flowing under the Arctic from the Atlantic is underestimated by these models, the Brussels Times said.

PUBLISHED: 15/03/2023; STORY: Graphic News