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 Informe de situación - día 380 infographic
Graphic shows situation report following day 380 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Invasión rusa: Informe de sitaución - día 380

By Phil Bainbridge

March 10, 2023 - Rusia ataca infraestructura militar y energética con 94 misiles en el mayor golpe de este año, causando la desconexión temporal de la red eléctrica dela plana nuclear de Zaporiyia.

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi has called for urgent action to create a protection zone at the site, saying he was “astonished by the complacency” around the issue. The nuclear power plant lost its last external power line and is now using emergency diesel generators to keep cooling the reactor fuel and prevent a potentially catastrophic meltdown.

At Bakhmut, Ukrainian troops have repelled 102 attacks in the past 24 hours from conventional Russian forces, as the private military Wagner Group may be conducting a “tactical pause” after months of bloody attrition which may have left it unable to conduct a crossing of the Bakhmutka River.

PUBLISHED: 10/03/2023; STORY: Graphic News