Invasión rusa: Informe de situación - día 352
February 10, 2023 - Las fuerzas rusas atacan infraestructura crítica en toda Ucrania, con misiles 35 S-300, contra los que Ucrania no tiene defensa, así como misiles crucero Kalibr y drones disparados particularmente en Zaporiyia, Járkov y Dnipró.
A Ukrainian official has said that Ukraine almost never launches advanced rockets supplied by the U.S. such as HIMARS, unless given specific co-ordinates by the U.S. and its allies, conserving their use for maximum effectiveness but raising the issue of more direct involvement in the war
- Russian offensive campaign assessment (ISW)
- Russian forces strike Ukraine, air raid sirens wail across the country (Reuters)
- Ukraine’s rocket campaign reliant on U.S. precision targeting, officials say (Washington Post)
- Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 352 of the invasion (The Guardian)