Prohibición europea a derivados de petróleo ruso infographic
El gráfico muestra a los mayores abastecedores de diésel de Europa


Europa hace acopio de diésel en anticipación de la prohibición de importaciones rusas

January 16, 2023 - Europa prohibirá el 5 de febrero los derivados de petróleo ruso, incluyendo el diésel, en una medida destinada a privar Moscú de un increso clave.

The EU imported about 220 million barrels of diesel-type product from Russia last year, according to Vortexa Ltd data compiled by Bloomberg. The fuel is vital to the bloc’s economy, powering cars, trucks, ships, construction and manufacturing equipment and more.

From Feb 5, almost all those imports will be banned in an attempt to punish Moscow for the war in Ukraine. Replacing that much Russian fuel – imagine about 14,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools all brimming with diesel – is a mighty challenge.

Some progress has already been made. In 2021, more than half of all seaborne shipments into the EU and UK – which already has a ban in place – came from Russia. By December last year, that proportion had fallen to about 40 percent, partly thanks to increases from Saudi Arabia and India, Bloomberg said.

PUBLISHED: 16/01/2023; STORY: Graphic News