China entrega su primer jet de pasajeros C919 passenger jet infographic
El gráfico muestra proveedores selectos del C919 suppliers y comparaciones con sus rivales Boeing y Airbus.


La rival china de Boeing y Airbus entrega su primer avión de fabricación propia

By Jordi Bou

December 9, 2022 - China Eastern Airlines se ha convertido en la primera receptora delComac C919 de fuselaje estrecho, un hito en las ambiciones de aviación de China cuando intenta competir con Airbus y Boeing

While the C919 delivery is significant, the plane faces an uphill battle to challenge the European and American manufacturing duopoly. Airbus received one of its biggest orders ever from China over summer and Boeing planes are widely used in the country.

While a Chinese aircraft programme, the C919 relies heavily on Western technology, including for its engines – CFM International Leap-1Cs – as well as cockpit control and interior systems from Collins Aerospace.

PUBLISHED: 09/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News