Aumentan las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero infographic
El gráfico muestra 20 años de aumento de las emisones de gases de efecto invernadero.


El mundo está lejos de las metas del Acuerdo de París

By Ninian Carter

November 6, 2022 - November 18, 2022 - Un nuevo informe sobre emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero halla que la comunidad internacional está muy lejos de alcanzar las metas del Acuerdo de París, sin que exista una vía creíble para limitar el calentamiento global a 1,5°C.

COP27 is the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference – this year being held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6 to November 18.

The conference has been held annually since the first UN climate agreement in 1992.

It is used by governments to agree action to limit global temperature rises associated with climate change.

The selection of Egypt as a host country attracted controversy ahead of the summit due to the country's human rights record.

It will take place under the presidency of Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, with more than 90 heads of state and representatives of 190 countries expected to attend.

PUBLISHED: 02/11/2022; STORY: Graphic News