Informe de situación - día 174 infographic
El gráfico muestra el informe de la situación tras el 174º día de la invasión rusa de Ucrania.


Informe de situación - día 174

By Phil Bainbridge

August 16, 2022 - La administración de ocupación en el Óblast Jersón está planeando realizar un referéndum sobre anexión rusa el 11 de septiembre, y también hay planes de rereréndums separados para las regiones de Donetsk, Lugansk y Zaporiyia.

Moscow denies it has anything to do with the vote, saying it is up to the will of the local residents, although the ballots are widely regarded as illegitimate and extremely unlikely to win any international recognition.

An estimated 100 Russian mercenaries were killed in an Aug 14 Ukrainian missile attack on the headquarters of the Wagner Group private military company in Popasna, potentially having a significant impact on its capabilities.

Activists in Belarus have reported that Russia is amassing significant forces in preparation for a massive missile attack on Ukraine from the north.

PUBLISHED: 16/08/2022; STORY: Graphic News