La mayor planta nuclear de Europa está "fuera de control" infographic
El gráfico muestra detalles de sobre la declaración del OIEA y las plantas de energía nuclear de Ucrania.


La mayor planta nuclear de Europa está "fuera de control"

By Phil Bainbridge

March 4, 2022 - El OIEA ha pedido acceso a la planta de Zaporiyia – ahora bajo control ruso pero operada por técnicos ucranianos – para permitir a los expertos estabilizar el complejo y evitar un accidente nuclear.

Observers have been unable to visit the site since it was captured by Russian forces in March and connection with surveillance systems is frequently lost. Supply chains have been disrupted by the war, restricting the availability of vital equipment and spare parts, and the physical integrity of the structures could have been compromised by active fighting in the area and even the possibility of munitions being stored on site.

There are four major nuclear plants in Ukraine, plus the now-retired Chernobyl.

PUBLISHED: 04/08/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Google Maps