Datos sobre el virus Marburg infographic
El gráfico muestra datos sore el virus Marburg.


Ghana declara btore del letal virus Marburg

July 18, 2022 - Ghana ha confirmado sus primeros dos casos del mortal virus Marburg, una enfermedad altamente infecciosa de la misma familia que el virus causante de Ébola. Todavía no existen tratamientos para la enfermedad frecuentemente fatal.

Ghana says both patients died recently in hospital in the southern Ashanti region. Their samples came back positive earlier this month and have now been verified by a laboratory in Senegal. Health officials in the West African nation say 98 people are now under quarantine as suspected contact cases, according to the BBC.

No treatment yet exists for Marburg – but doctors say drinking plenty of water and treating specific symptoms improves a patient’s chances of survival. The virus is transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads between humans through the transmission of bodily fluids. It is a severe, often fatal illness with symptoms including headache, fever, muscle pains, vomiting blood and bleeding, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 18/07/2022; STORY: Graphic News