La contaminación mata a 9 millones de personas anualmente
May 18, 2022 - AUn informe de la revista Lancet Planetary Health dice que la contaminación mata a tantas personas a nivel global como el tabaquismo – cerca de nueve millones por año. En comparación, el Covid-19 ha matado a 6,7 millones desde 2020.
Increasing levels of air pollution and toxic lead poisoning have killed an estimated 9 million people every year since 2015, according to a new study published by The Lancet.
Air pollution caused by industry and urbanisation led to a 7% increase in pollution-related deaths from 2015 to 2019, according to scientific analysis of global mortality and pollution data.
The study’s co-author Richard Fuller says, “We’re sitting in the stew pot and slowly burning”.
When compared to other major issues like climate change, malaria, HIV or Covid-19 – which has killed 6.7 million people over two-and-a-half years – pollution receives far less focus.
Traditional pollution-related deaths from tainted water and soil and dirty indoor air are declining globally, but remain a major problem in Africa and some other developing countries.
Whereas, deaths from modern pollutants like heavy metals, agrochemicals and fossil fuels have leaped 66% since 2000.
The 10 countries most affected by deaths from pollution are:
1. Chad
2. Central African Republic
3. Niger
4. Solomon Islands
5. Somalia
6. South Africa
7. North Korea
8. Lesotho
9. Bulgaria
10. Burkina Faso