Macron enfrenta desafíos de poder infographic
El gráfico muestra la cronología de sucesos clave que lleva a las elecciones legislativas francesas.


Macrón enfrenta desafíos de poder inmediatos

By Jordi Bou

June 12, 2022 - En seguida de haber ganado un segundo mandato como presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron enfrenta elecciones legislativas que
determinarán si tendrá mayoría parlamentaria que apruebe sus políticas.

All 577 deputy seats in the lower-house National Assembly are up for grabs in the votes on June 12 and June 19, and Macron’s La République en Marche party, which currently has 267 MPs, is likely to encounter stiff resistance, analysts say.

As his supporters savoured re-election at a rally by the Eiffel Tower on April 24, Macron acknowledged in his victory speech that many people who voted for him did so to block Marine Le Pen and not because they support his ideas.

Indeed, many of his voters are not natural supporters and are unlikely to back him in June. A large number of far-left voters held their noses to keep the far-right out of power, but a number of mainstream parties threw their weight behind him too, including the Republicans, Greens and Socialists.

The parliamentary elections will define the make-up of the government Macron must rely on to see through reform plans that would entail an unprecedented shake-up of France’s welfare state.

PUBLISHED: 27/04/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images