Misil hipersónico de Corea del Norte infographic
El gráfico muestra sistemas de misiles hipersónicos de Corea del Norte.


Misiles hipersónicos de Corea del Norte

By Phil Bainbridge

January 6, 2022 - Corea del Norte disparó una "ojiva hipersónica de planeo" que se separó de su cohete acelerador y maniobró 120km lateralmente antes de "alcanzar con precisión" un objetivo a 700km, según informes de la agencia de noticias norcoreana KCNA.

Using what appeared to be a Hwasong-12 variant rocket booster, the missile was launched from Chagang-Do by the Academy of Defence Science. The hypersonic gliding warhead detached from the booster and manoeuvred for around 120km before hitting its target.

Hypersonic missiles are designed to fly lower than conventional ballistic missiles to avoid radar detection, and travelling at more than Mach 3, change velocity and direction to evade anti-missile defences.

PUBLISHED: 06/01/2022; STORY: Graphic News