EUA y el Reino Unido culpan a Irán de atacar a un petrolero
August 2, 2021 - EUA y Gran Bretaña culpan a Irán de lanzar un ataque con drones contra un petrolero de gestión israelí cerca de la costa de Omán que mató a un británico y a un rumano. Irán ha negado participación en el incidente.
The strike on the Mercer Street marked the first-known fatal attack after years of assaults on commercial shipping in the region linked to tensions with Iran over its tattered nuclear deal.
While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, Iran and its militia allies have used so-called “suicide” drones in attacks previously, which crash into targets and detonate their explosive payloads. However, Israel, the UK and the responding U.S. Navy have yet to show physical evidence from the strike or offer intelligence information on why they blame Tehran.