El gráfico muestra tasas de impuestos a corporaciones en el mundo.


Plan del G7 para implementar mínimo fiscal de 15%

By Duncan Mil

June 7, 2021 - Un pacto histórico de los países del Grupo de los Siete propone un impuesto global mínimo corporativo de al menos 15% y cambios para asegurar que algunas de las mayores compañías del mundo paguen sus impuestos.

A study from Bloomberg estimates that no major tech company is paying effective tax rates as high as the U.S. statutory rate of 21 per cent. For a company like Nvidia Corp., which paid an effective tax rate of 2.63 per cent over the most recent 12-month period, news that the world’s largest economies are planning to implement a tax floor of 15 per cent will represent a substantial hit to future earnings.

Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Nike and Apple all paid effective tax rates below 21 per cent, with tax paid as a percentage of pre-tax income of 12.2, 13.8, 14.0, 14.4 and 14.9 per cent respectively.

The G7 agreement feeds into a much broader, existing effort. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has been coordinating tax negotiations among 140 countries for years on rules for taxing cross-border digital services and curbing tax base erosion, including a global corporate minimum tax.

PUBLISHED: 07/06/2021; STORY: Graphic News