El grafico muestra la lista de los nueve nuevos multimillonarios beneficiados por la producción de vacunas.


Nueve nuevos multimillonarios gracias a las vacunas contra Covid

By Jordi Bou

May 20, 2021 - Las utilidades de las vacunas Covid-19 han ayudado al menos a nueve personas a convertirse en millonarias, señala un grupo de organizaciones que insta a poner fin al “control monopólico” de las corporaciones farmacéuticas sobre la tecnología de vacunas.

According to a study from the People's Vaccines Alliance, Moderna’s CEO Stéphane Bancel and BioNTech’s CEO Ugur Sahin, each with a wealth of $4.3bn and $4bn respectively, topped the list of new billionaires cashing in on the success of COVID vaccines.

The list also includes two of Moderna’s founding investors and the firm’s chair as well as the CEO of a company with a deal to manufacture and package the Moderna jab, despite Moderna receiving billions in taxpayer funding.

The final three new vaccine billionaires are all co-founders of the Chinese vaccine company CanSino Biologics.

The news comes ahead of the G20 Global Health Summit, where key members, including leaders from the UK and Germany are seeking to block moves to boost supply by ending firms’ monopoly control of vaccine production.

PUBLISHED: 20/05/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press, Getty Images