Eventos mundiales programados para abril 2021 - Interactivo
April 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021 - Todos los meses Graphic News publica una Agenda Mundial de eventos próximos que darán forma al mundo el mes entrante. Los eventos para abril incluyen una Asamblea Climática de líderes mundiales de la que será anfitrión el presidente Joe Biden, la visita del primer ministro japonés Yoshihide Suga a la Casa Blanca y el lanzamieto del módulo central de la estación espacial propia de China.
Events include:
April: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expects around 100 million vaccine doses a month to arrive from April, even as many EU states battle a third wave of Covid-19. The EU has faced criticism over its slow vaccination rollout
Apr 3-4, Saudi Arabia: Extreme E, a new racing series aimed at raising awareness of climate change, begins. Five races will showcase the performance of all-electric SUVs in some of the most remote corners of the planet, all damaged by climate change
Apr 9, U.S.: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will become the first foreign leader to meet with President Biden at the White House since he took office. Topics for discussion will include China’s growing assertiveness
Apr 11, Peru: Elections follow a period of political upheaval that has toppled much of the ruling class: three men passed through the presidency in November
Apr 16-19, Cuba: The Cuban Communist Party’s Eighth Congress sees another historic change, as the one-party state begins a future without a Castro at the helm. Raúl Castro will hand over as First Secretary to Miguel Díaz-Canel, who replaced Raúl as president in 2018
Apr 22, U.S.: President Joe Biden will host a Climate Assembly to mark the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The U.S. rejoined the agreement when Biden took office, and is expected to strengthen its carbon reduction commitments
Apr 25, U.S.: The Oscars, courting gender parity, should see more women collect awards, with director Chloé Zhao tipped to win for Nomadland. The ceremony is later than usual because of the pandemic
Apr 29, Space: China plans to launch the Tianhe core module for its own space station, and expects to complete the orbital laboratory in Low Earth Orbit during 11 more launches carried out across 2021 and 2022