El gráfico muestra una comparación de calificaciones presidenciales en EUA.


El índice de aprobación de Trump se desploma cuando abandona el cargo

January 19, 2021 - Donald Trump sale de la Casa Blanca con el nivel más bajo de aprobación de mandato de cualquier presidente de EUA en tiempos modernos, con calificaciones cada vez más negativas por su conducta desde la elección de noviembre.

According to a Pew Research Centre poll, just 29 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s role in the office, the lowest rating of his tenure and a decline of nine percentage points since August.

The Pew survey, conducted from Jan 8-12, also found that 68 percent of Americans said they didn’t want Trump to remain a major political figure after he leaves the White House.

Compared with other presidents, Trump’s approval rating has remained remarkably steady throughout most of his tenure, never going above 45% or below 36%, according to Pew. That changed after the U.S. Capitol siege on January 6.

PUBLISHED: 19/01/2021; STORY: Graphic News