Jill Biden da nueva forma al rol de primera dama
January 20, 2021 - Jill Biden hará historia como la primera de las primeras damas que seguirá en su empleo al tiempo que ocupa la Casa Blanca. La dra. Biden, con dos maestrías y un doctorado en educación, planea seguir enseñando inglés en un colegio comunitario en Virginia
First ladies have often been expected to sacrifice their careers to perform ceremonial tasks.
But Biden announced from the get-go that she would continue her career as a community college professor, regardless of whether her husband was elected president. She had already broken the mould by maintaining her career while he was vice president.
Between 1993 and 2017, all of the first ladies had advanced degrees. Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton are lawyers, and Laura Bush has a master’s in library science. But none of them maintained a career while in the White House.
Jill Biden’s decision to do so will push the role of first lady into the 21st century by keeping her full-time job as a professor.