El gráfico muesta lo que se conoce sobre la nueva variante de coronavirus.


¿Es la nueva cepa de coronavirus motivo de preocupación?

December 21, 2020 - Aumenta la preocupación sobre una altamenteinfecciosa cepa de coronavirus que ha surgido en el Reino Unido. La nueva variante, llamada B.1.1.7, ya está presente en otros sitios del mundo, según advierten científicos.

The World Health Organisation said its Evolution Working Group was working closely with the UK medical authorities to understand how the variant is likely to affect the course of the pandemic. It has been detected in the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia, according to a Financial Times report.

Scientists said two aspects of B.1.1.7 gave cause for concern. One is the unprecedented number of mutations it carries. The other was the speed with which it is supplanting other strains of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in south-east England.

PUBLISHED: 21/12/2020; STORY: Graphic News