Trump se convierte en presidente de un solo mandato
November 6, 2020 - Noviembre 7,2020 - El exvicepresidente demócrata Joe Biden ha derrotado a Donald Trump en la elección presidencial estadounidense. La victoria en Pennsilvania aportó 20 votos del Colegio electoral, impulsándolo más allá del umbral de 270 votos necesarios para ganar la Casa Blanca. El presidente Trump ha promtido que presentará demandas legales.
Of the 44 who have held office, only ten presidents have failed to win re-election for a second term, when they have attempted to.
The last president to have failed to win re-election was George H W Bush, who lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.
With coronavirus pandemic killing more than a quarter of a million Americans and putting the economy into recession, Trump could lose to Joe Biden after a close race.
- 5 Presidents Who Couldn't Secure a Second Term (investopedia)
- Only 10 presidents have not won reelection, and polling suggests Trump could join them (Businessinsider)
- How many US presidents have lost a second term? All the one-term presidents (The Independent)
- Will Trump be a one-term president? Here's the list of the Commanders-in-Chief denied a second term (USA Today)