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El gráfico muestra el análisis de tasas de hospitalización y muerte por Covid-19 en China continental.


Estudio de coronavirus revela mayores riesgos a partir de mediana edad

April 1, 2020 - Los primeros cálculos exhaustivos de tasas de hospitalización y muertes por la enfermedad coronavirus (Covid-19) en China continental revelan un incremento considerable de riesgo para pacientes a partir de mediana edad.

The study found that the proportion of deaths from both diagnosed cases and from milder, unconfirmed cases is strongly influenced by age – ranging from 0.0016% in 0 to 9-year-olds to 7.8% for people aged 80 and above.

Differences in hospitalisation rates by age were also reported, with nearly one in five over-80s infected with Covid-19 likely to require hospital care, compared with around 1% of people under 30.

The analysis, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, estimated the overall death rate, including unconfirmed cases, at 0.66%. While the figure is lower than some recent estimates for Covid-19, it is still much higher than the 2009 pandemic “swine flu” virus, which was estimated to be fatal in around 0.02% of cases.

The authors note that the data does not separate out the effect of underlying health conditions, which often correlate with age.

PUBLISHED: 01/04/2020; STORY: Graphic News